Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The snow is coming!

The much anticipated snow is on its way ..so we bundled up and went outside to watch daddy use his new snowblower for a few minutes!

He looks like Randy on Christmas Story!

Steph McKee

I thought I'd show off the talents of one of my friends I've had since 1st grade..these are my birthday gifts from her last year and this year..I paired them together and voila!

The bottom one is done with white charcoal and this one is pen and ink..the detail is incredible!

When I opened my gift this year I told her I was going to hit her in the head with it because she needs to sell these on Etsy!

She has a store with her mom RobinWillow but her fabulous drawings are absent from it!

Please drop her a line and kick her in the butt!

Thank you Stephanie!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A few new things...

"Green Eyed Blond Hoops"

"Picasso Posie"

And little Carter Hahn sitting patiently by mama's desk...

making faces at her!

and any mothers recognize this kind of facial expression?!?! LOL

(hint: he is in his "office" also)

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Thought you might like to see another side that not too many people get to see...the camera and stranger shy little boy is so different at home
these are just a few of the new faces that have emerged from lil C..I think he does it because of how all the new teeth feel in his mouth!
Deadpan Carter...

The real Carter we know and love!

Friday, January 23, 2009

It's Official!

Carter Hahn is crawling!

Christmas Eve was the first time he got on his hands and knees rocking back and forth..so it took him a month to perfect it!

All week he has been getting so close..he can get to the sitting position all by himself now and vice versa...he has been creeping on his belly and crawling a tiny bit but tonight he crawled arcoss the room!

It helps if there is something he really really wants..usually something forbidden. Tonight is was a slat out of blinds I shortened, he grunted all the way to it! Of course I have no pictures of that but here are some others!

Boy am I in trouble now..look out!

Check this out!

Confessions of a Psychotic Housewife
featured me in her blog today!
She has a really cool blog...you should add it to your blog reads!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

hear ye..hear ye!

I had jury duty today!
I was hoping to get out of it..this is my 3rd time called. The first time my mom and I were both called at the same time. But she was going through chemo and we both we excused.
The second time..it was cancelled.
This time is was rescheduled from yesterday to today.
I was dreading it until I got there..and soon I realized this could be great entertainment! (I don't get out much these days) LOL
After 2 hours of 30 or so people sitting in a small room in dead silence trying not to look at eachother...we found out the defendant pleaded guilty and we were free to go..however our duty is not done. I have to call the recording tonight to see if I have to go back tomorrow.
Lets hope by then they will have read my breastfeeding excuse...its legit!
hmmmmm..On second thought...I am out of the house alone..:0

Monday, January 19, 2009

Todays new Listings

Last night at 9:30 I suddenly found myself alone..I put Carter to bed and Chris went early too. He is still feeling the effects of having the flu.
So I actually sat at my bead table and made a few things...lil C woke up several times so I had to take a "rock break"
His runny/teething nose wakes him up and he panics cause he can't breathe..but after getting up a few times at first he most always sleeps through the night. yea!
"Leslie Locket"
Sneak Preview..not listed yet
I'm considering keeping this one for myself..but I will probably break down and list it soon ;p
"Joy to the Czech"

New Old Listings

I realize some of you only look here on my blog for jewelry instead of looking on Etsy..and I have neglected to post the new listings for awhile...so here they are!
~ Oh and I just noticed a new feature..sign up at the top left side of this page to "follow my blog"!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Deep Freeze!

This is the view from my bead room this morning..not much beading getting done but the scene of the fresh snow sure is pretty!
Its darn cold, below 0...and I've had enough..but no one asked me..a least I have entertainment..here is a sample...:)

Little boy has grown since the last pictures of him on his changing table..he is in his new room and can do some new tricks!
He is all over the place and its like wrestling a greased pig to get his diaper changed..I call him "mr hands" haha

He turns over and scoots backward..sometimes knocking everything off the dresser ...

Everything catches his attention!

I don't know why we bother buying toys...he LOVES anything that is not!
